Hembise, winemaker,
brings a bit of mischief
to the vineyard
The vine is an exceptional plant, as much in connection with the soil through its roots that can reach several meters, as with the cosmos through its exuberant vegetation. Without rushing or contradicting it, my role is to channel its energy to focus it at the end of the season on its fruits.

Vincent, winemaker,
not just a tractor driver
The country of Die is a magnificent area of freedom and initiatives. As the plantations grew, I took root there. Winemaking, symbolic and mythological par excellence, is one of the most polluting productions when done conventionally. I am convinced that organic farming must become the common horizon of all producers and consumers. Eager to always progress, I also seek to make our farm energy sustainable, with the idea of transmitting a beautiful tool and the knowledge that accompanies it.

Cyril, winemaker, sometimes
put down his pruning shears
to guide skiers and climbers. The seasons punctuate my work, between the earth and the mountain where my work as a guide takes place during the low season at the vineyard.
The profession of Guide / Farmer, practiced by our elders, maintains my passion and pushes me every day towards a « more natural » agriculture!